KICKSTART your healthy lifestyle with The Lodestar Clinic. Our next KICKSTART programme starts on 11th January 2019.

Advent Action

In the countdown to Christmas, join us in Advent Action…TODAY make the move to cut something out of your life for at least the next SEVEN days that you know isn’t good for you. Examples include: chocolate, alcohol, smoking, checking work emails at home…

Advent Action

In the countdown to Christmas, join us in Advent Action…TODAY message/call/email/write to SIX friends you’ve been meaning to chat to/catch up with.

Advent Action

In the countdown to Christmas, join us in Advent Action…TODAY make sure you eat at least FIVE portions of different fruit and vegetables.

Advent Action

In the countdown to Christmas, join us in Advent Action…TODAY make plans to go on a walk with a FOUR-legged friend. (

Advent Action

In the countdown to Christmas, join us in Advent Action…TODAY complete THREE full press-ups.

Advent Action

In the countdown for Christmas, join us in Advent Action…TODAY tell TWO people why you’re grateful to have them in your life.

Advent Action

In the countdown to Christmas, join us in Advent Action… TODAY perform ONE kind deed for a stranger, colleague or family member.

August bounty!

This August, make sure you include the following vegetables in your every day meals. Remember variety is key – and this is easy to create if you try to put as many colours on your plate possible. Time to get shopping! aubergine beetroot broad beans broccoli carrots cauliflower chicory courgettes cucumber fennel French beans leeks…

Next KICKSTART: 1st October

*Limited spaces available* Wondering how to get back into fitness this Autumn when the light is fading and the temperature dropping? Our next KICKSTART programme starts on 1st October 2018. We will help you all the way, leading group training sessions, videos to give you knowledge on your health, body measurements, nutritional guidance and encouragement…