KICKSTART is the 12 week programme YOU have been waiting for! We help you lose weight, get toned, feel fit again, understand how to easily incorporate healthy eating into your life, improve your health and feel the most energetic you’ve ever felt! Throughout the twelve weeks, during which you will have all the support, expertise and guidance to help you achieve your goals.

It is NOT for fit people who want to get fitter. It is for people who want to KICKSTART their fitness, nutrition and health, who can’t remember the last time they exercised regularly, who have tried to endlessly lose weight but nothing works permanently, who want help with their eating habits, who have stubborn weight around in the middle, who are smoking, or have high blood pressure, diabetes (diagnoses that would benefit from a healthier lifestyles), people that have not been living a healthy lifestyle for a while, or who never have! If this sounds in any way familiar…

LOOK at all these features that are for YOU:

  • initial one hour consultation understanding what your specific fitness, nutrition and health goals are and the barriers that have stopped you achieving them so far. Measurements are taken: weight, height, blood pressure, girth of six body areas, body fat percentage and muscle percentage. Then “before photos”.
  • blood tests (finger-prick) are performed for fats, cholesterol, liver function tests, iron, vitamin D and vitamin B12 levels.
  • twice-a-week studio-based group exercise classes using a variety of equipment and workouts to keep it effective but fun! (Maximum of six people per class).
  • recipe book featuring principles of healthy eating (including some surprising facts) tried and tasted recipes (easy even for those who are clueless in the kitchen), how to easily calculate what your daily intake should be, do’s and dont’s and recommended books on nutrition.
  • healthy lifestyle manual which has tasks to help you stay motivated during the programme
  • weekly phone call for us to check in with you and keep you on track;  we’ll be finding out what are your difficulties right now, giving advice about how to overcome your problems and answering any questions you might have.
  • weekly educational videos on a variety of topics covering mindset, nutrition & medical conditions to help your motivation towards achieving a healthy lifestyle
  • regular texts to motivate you to train outside of class and stick to your goals
  • end of programme consultation to consolidate how the programme has changed your lifestyle habits, how you feel having completed the programme, how you’re going to continue with a healthy lifestyle in the future. Repeat measurements and “after photos” to celebrate your achievements and motivate you to continue your new healthy habits for life.


Karina: “The best aspect of the programme aspect was the exercise classes. However, the recipes have helped me tailor my dinners. Having easy and quick recipes on hand for each week was a lifesaver! The videos were also great, they were both educational and motivating. Since completing the KICKSTART programme I definitely feel stronger and more compact. I don’t feel as tired anymore after a day’s work. I am now regularly doing mat-based exercises, working out on a cross-trainer and swimming – and I intend to keep these up, as I don’t want to lose my new-found strength! Three lessons I’ve learnt from The Lodestar Clinic are: how to eat well, different kinds of exercises and to stay positive – to always think that I can achieve what I set my mind to! I would definitely recommend The Lodestar Clinic.”

Natalia: “The best aspect of the programme was Lucy! I liked that we were in touch all the time, and she’s very approachable. I trust her because she is a doctor. I also loved the Recipe Book, the classes, the weekly phone call (it added discipline to the week) and the blog posts (especially the treats one!). I am happy I did the KICKSTART programme! I feel more fit and toned. It was great to get back into a habit of regular exercise and before the KICKSTART programme I was struggling to do that on my own. Three lessons I learnt from The Lodestar Clinic are: eating fat is good for you, boxing is fun and lamb is awesome! And YES, I would recommend The Lodestar Clinic.”

Gladys: “The best aspect of the programme was the phone calls – they’re really good. I also liked the flexibility to switch between the morning and evening sessions when I needed to, I liked that the focus was on health not simply weight loss and I liked that the workouts are varied and fun- I especially enjoyed the boxing! Now that I’ve completed the KICKSTART programme I feel stronger. Three lessons I learnt from The Lodestar Clinic are: to always keep going – something is better than nothing, nutrition is important and it doesn’t necessarily matter if you eat a bit late. I would recommend The Lodestar Clinic”.

Kirsty: The best aspect of the programme was the consistency of the programme components and the training sessions. I also liked that the others in my group were more or less at the same stage of fitness, nutrition and health as me. I particularly liked the boxing – doing this made the sessions go by really quickly! I also liked the blogs and how Lucy tailored these to our questions. Now that I’ve completed the KICKSTART programme I feel a lot more confident! Three lessons I learnt from The Lodestar Clinic are: I can do it if I set my mind to it, a little change goes a long way, and I can actually enjoy exercise! I would absolutely recommend The Lodestar Clinic! Lucy is super-supportive and encouraging from day one and throughout!”

Katie: “The exercise classes were the best aspect of the programme; they were really fun and different each time – I particularly enjoyed the boxing! During the 12 weeks I learnt that trying new exercises/sports is fine, that I will improve if I keep trying, and that it’s okay if I’m not high in energy/on top form for every session because consistency pays off! I am so pleased to have done the KICKSTART programme – it has completely changed my fitness level as well as my outlook to fitness! I was able to stick with the programme due to the regular sessions, making friends with the others in the group and because the sessions became progressively harder (i.e. not too difficult at first). I would 100% recommend The Lodestar Clinic! Thank you Lucy – you’re the best!”

Chloe: “I loved the two training sessions a week – they really helped me get back into working out. I also loved the weekly videos on health topics and the weekly phone calls, they were both great motivators! The KICKSTART programme taught me the different health benefits a healthy lifestyle has on the body and which muscles I am working during the different exercises. I feel great having completed the KICKSTART programme and would recommend The Lodestar Clinic to others!”

Rita: I am very glad that I have done the KICKSTART programme. It turns out that I can actually grow muscles and wake up on time for the 07:00 class! Lucy and the boxing were the best parts of the KICKSTART programme. Lucy was very supportive and lovely during our weekly phone calls even though I’m not really a phone person. Over the 12 weeks I learnt that: the second time is the hardest, never give up, and to smile through the pain. It was great to meet Lucy and other cool people during the programme and I would recommend The Lodestar Clinic.”

Christopher: “I liked the group nature of the classes, the gradual increase in difficulty and the diet advice in the Recipe Book, but the best thing was Lucy! Having completed the KICKSTART programme I feel healthier and happy with physical exertion. I’ve also learnt how to eat better and that ‘some exercise is always better than no exercise’. I would recommend The Lodestar Clinic to others.”

Rowan: “The best parts to the KICKSTART programme were the classes, working out with other people and the encouragement from Lucy. I liked that I had to attend regular sessions,  I liked having the flexibility to change between morning and evening sessions and I loved the boxing! During the KICKSTART programme I found that exercise really helps to make you feel positive when other things in life are difficult, and that weight training (which I’d never done before) is enjoyable! Having completed the KICKSTART programme, I now feel better and stronger – and I’m surprised that I like exercising most in the mornings! I would definitely recommend The Lodestar Clinic to others – it’s made a huge difference, I will miss it – thank you Lucy.”

Want to find out exactly how the KICKSTART programme could benefit YOU? Click on the button below…110119b.png